Tripping and Stumbling Week 1

Well it has been quite a week (I know I am overdue with the post, but as I mentioned I am tripping and stumbling down this path).

Since I mentioned doing this series for my blog I have added to my info bank about eating well.  My trek is a mission to get my whole family on the path to eating real food.  We are ditching the processed completely…..well at least that is my goal.

Two major steps that help limit the amount of processed foods coming in were the following:

Step 1 –  Limit trips to conventional grocery stores (I go to Target because I love Target, if I buy something in the grocery it is from their organic produce or cheeses, or spices.)  I haven’t been to a Giant in a while. I used to have 2 to 3 receipts per week, sometimes more, from Giant.

Where am I shopping now?  Well I have a resource for raw milk and cheeses, clean beef, chicken, etc and eggs.  I order and pick up once a week (no packages of stuff around to tempt me).  I also order from Quail Cove Farms once per month for grains and such, oh and their chicken is great and a reasonable price so I try order that in bulk.  This is delivered to my door, love that.  I find a few items from Amazon, as I share my recipes and foods I will share those items.

Step 2 – Read labels!  I have been reading them a lot (I pretty much always have, but now I pay attention to the words), wow so many of the ingredients sound gross.

I have had fun researching and of course cooking and baking.

Here is some of what we have tried so far.

Homemade Waffles with Raspberries and Maple Syrup

Chopped Salad, added sliced almonds and a yummy ginger dressing

Just made Family Beef Stew last night, very filling and so yummy.

Homemade Pizza – this is a recipe that has grown into my own but the crust came from an Emeril recipe I found.  The trick is to put a pizza stone in the over and let it warm up with the oven and then roll your pizza on parchment paper and fill with topping and then cook it at 450 for about 10 minutes.  So darn yummy.  Now I do buy packaged pepperoni that is clean no gross stuff in it.

Pizza rocks and it is even better homemade.  Here is the recipe in this post.

For the exercise part I am walking on the treadmill at this point but will be trying new things this week.

There are lots of other recipes and yummy things we have tried, from now on I will do a better job of logging and photographing.

Oh my almost for got these little yummy morsels of goodness.  I have attempted a couple of other gluten free baked goods but none have equaled this little goody.  I can’t even recall how I found these yesterday but I am beyond happy that I did.  I am kind of embarrassed to say I have made them 2 days in a row.  The reviews in the house have all been a big thumbs up, with requests to make them again, which is how I ended up baking them again today.

You can find the recipe for The BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies here.

I found this recipe at Northwest CaveGirls.  I think I might live on that site trying as many recipes as I can, these cookies are fantastic!  Ooh I want to make my own chocolate chips and then bake these cookies again and again.

Disclosure: Please bear in mind that some of the links in this post may be affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. I will note when a post doesn’t contain any affiliate links as well. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you. Note that the wineries and B & B’s don’t contain affiliate links at this time.

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