Our garden adventure has begun. There are many times of the year that I consider my favorite but Spring and Summer top them all. There is nothing like warm sunshine, a garden in bloom and walking barefoot in the grass.
Okay off to the yard to see what has been happening in our gardens.
This will be our bean, cucumber and tomato garden this year, we have pole beans at the top and then tomatoes are in the bottom two.
We have the Marigolds around the tomatoes seems to be a happy coexistence that works each year.
Here is the beautiful gardens and wall that Dave built last year, we are having fun adding new flowers.
These are our new gardens that will hold our herbs, strawberries, spinach and anything else that makes us happy. Thank you to our dear friends for the pallets, you ROCK!!!!!
Here is where our blueberries and blackberries reside.
Here is our garden that is hold, THANK YOU Termites, little stinkers. Our pest dude has now treated this area right along the house because yes I got to see up close and person how close the crap heads were to our home within an inch so we removed the wood you see in the first picture, the pest dude who I will feature on my Wall of Fame once it is up because he rocks, has treated our whole perimeter and now my dear husband is on a mission to build a new garden.
Work in progress and Dave has also rebuilt around the air conditioner so when they install it will be nice and even.
New garden out front that is slowly filling with flowers.
Our little visitor that my darling husband and I have a difference of opinions on it being so cute and picking our yard to live in. I love the furry little guy and soon there will be little ones, how do I know this you ask, well it is how it goes every year and they are so darn cute.
Some decor in the garden
More pallets containing our onions and lettuce.
So that is all the excitement in the garden for now. I have lost a few of our smaller tomato plants thanks to a couple of nights of low temps but the rest are thriving.
I would love to hear what is going on in your garden.
Peace & Happiness =)
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