
So I have been quiet and not writing much, I know I often do this.  I realized though, that this time was not due to my usual laziness but more because I didn’t have much to say……or maybe I had too much to say.  Not sure which it was.  There are so many opinions of things out there right now, lots of political opinions, life opinion and oh so many opinions on everything and yes I have mine.   I share my opinion around my home, but I don’t need to throw it on others hoping to either have them agree with me, convince them to agree with me or completely disagree with me and then share why their candidate is a better choice, hoping to change my opinion.  That is all way to exhausting.   Have your opinion and let it reflect in the voting and leave it be at that.  There that is my opinion, basically choose for yourself, don’t be swayed by others, stand true and firm.

Now onto better things.  I was on a roll before the New Year to get myself in shape and organized and then all went to hell in a hand basket.  I was going to get a jump on the New Year and not wait and then shortly after the new year I let life get a hold of me and just let it all go.

There is no real excuse but you just have to pick yourself up and get going again.  So yesterday I picked myself up and got going, we will see where it leads.  I can give all sorts of inspirational thoughts on how I am going to make all these improvements, etc, etc. but I am not.  I am going to put one foot in front of the other and get going.

So no excuses why I didn’t write or why this or that, just stepping forward and moving along and back to writing once again.

I think Spring always inspires new beginnings but it is getting a hold on those new beginnings and turning them into every day life, that is my goal.

So yes getting a jump on Spring is what gardeners do and what I am working on.  For some reason I am over excited about a garden this year but have been informed it will be smaller than usual, that is probably because I don’t help with much of the hard work.  I usually get in on the harvesting or walking barefoot around it taking pictures and proclaiming how beautiful it is =D .  So this year I will get my hands dirty….well somewhat.  My daughter and I were having a conversation and I can’t remember all the details of it but it ended where she would help out in the garden, her choosing, thus more time together.  I love that and I know her dad will too.  So we will get in the garden and get planting soon.  This will help us achieve our goal of being outdoors way more than we used to be.

Her and I went on a walk with friends the other day and found that we were refreshed and happy after that, part was the company and part was that we were moving our bodies and soaking up the warm sunshine.  A beautiful day to say the least and this was just the reminder we  needed that being outdoors is a much for us.

I had to share the signs of Spring in my yard, much like me it longs for warm weather and it so joyful when it arrives.

Here is to many wonderful days in our gardens and with our wonderful families.

Peace & Joy,


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